Patterns | Whose Handiwork?
Recognizable patterns, the handiworks of people and the patterns in nature, offer reliable evidence that the universe and our place in it are not some freakish collection of evolutionary accidents.
Authors’ Note: While both authors confess that they are firm believers in God the Father and Jesus Christ, this article is not denominational, not even religious. It is simply a sampling of images, patterns, and science-based discussions that confirm to us, that no one should pay any attention to those who eject the Creator-God from His own universe. For the purposes of this non-religious conversation the reader may substitute “God” with “Intelligent Design” if it matches their philosophical sensitivities. We observe that all things testify of Mind, of God, as the intentional author of creation. Whereas, the militant atheists rely on hubris to hold their position, without evidence, and without logic. The preposterous arguments that have be relied upon to propose “the universe is all an accident” leave one gaping in wonder at the credulousness and boldness of such claims. In the end though, we are just grateful for the awe-some-ness of creation, and offer veneration to the Mindful God who orchestrated everything that surrounds us. Yes, we see the challenges in this world, but such subjects, and other faith-related topics, are discussed elsewhere at §
If we presented the above image - clearly a carefully thought out and intricate floor pattern - as an accident of nature, no one reading this, no one capable of reading this, would accept that accidental proposition as having even a semblance of truth. Though the location, purpose, materials, and creator of this pattern are not evident, and likely cannot be surmised on the basis of what is visible, needing zero additional evidence, every lucid person on this planet would immediately and totally swear to the human origins of the subject of the above photograph; and that it was intelligently designed.
Now, we can see the pattern above, out of its abstract and in context — a church that has become a museum — in Venice, Italy. The human intervention — creativity, materials formation, construction methodology, historicity, inventiveness, engineering skill, etc — are even more evident and compelling. However, seeing the context of the museum/church adds nothing to the convictions about the human origins of the floor pattern. No further evidence is required, for anyone, not one iota.
Earthly things “serve unto the example and shadow of heavenly things.”1 If we can be so certain about patterns as evidence of human thought and handiwork, can we use that as a model by which to observe the handiwork of God, in the universe, and in our lives? Of course!
There is so much evidence for the handiwork of Divinity, everywhere around us, that we would have to close our eyes and mind to everything, to all existence, in order to deny intelligent design in the Creator’s role.
The more we learn, the more visible are His patterns, including those systems that might have previously seemed chaotic and random.
Just because we cannot see a pattern presently, does not mean it is not there; numerous examples of the previously unrecognizable patterns of nature and creation are becoming more apparent as the various branches of mathematics and other sciences keep pushing new boundaries.
We suggest that there are hundreds and thousands of previously indiscernible patterns that will emerge in the years ahead, that none will even dare to ascribe to anyone or anything other than God.
The purpose of this article is simply to exhibit several examples of human and Godly handiwork with a sense of appreciation for both, knowing that the one — human — cannot be present without the Godly gifts that make all things possible.
(This article does not attempt to address God’s purposes or His revealed character or His plan and purpose for human life. Those matters are discussed elsewhere on this site.)
The sciences of our day, when applied and interpreted honestly, describe a miraculous process, a journey of discovery of how things work; but we must also acknowledge that science, scientists and inventors have never actually invented anything. Instead, they are simply, wonderfully, uncovering a principle or a material fact which already exists. Some are humble enough to recognize that fact, some are not.
For now, the sciences and mankind’s general knowledge are somewhat analogous to the definition of pi we learned in grade school with a value of 22/7 or 3.14. That was a useful enough definition to allow us to use pi (π) with radius and diameter values to get correct answers on tests for circumference, area of a circle and the volume of a sphere or cylinder, and with a few more digits added it’s good enough for most practical work-a-day, engineering or scientific applications. But 3.14 is not the true definitive value of pi.2 At five decimal places the result is 3.14159, but the 9 is rounded; an iPhone’s calculator can show fifteen decimal places: 3.142857142857143, where the final 3 is the rounded number; a little exercise on an Excel spreadsheet shows that the software is designed to give up one digit earlier i.e. after the thirteenth decimal place it rounds to 4 and then drops to manufactured zeros, 3.14285714285714000000∞. The actual sequence runs on and on, to where? Perhaps to infinity. Certainly, the end of the string is presently unknown, calculated out to trillions of digits, and the end point, infinitesimally small, remains beyond all of today’s supercomputers. Therefore the true or complete numerical definition of pi is also unknown and presently remains unknowable. Sure, that curiosity may be easily dismissed as mathematical artifact, irrelevant to the practical world, but the analogy is perfectly relevant: whomever cannot see or perceive the infinite (all of us) cannot pretend to be able to discern or define or represent the Infinite, without permission or assignment from the infinite God of Creation who is and does encompass the very idea of infinity. He is without beginning of days or end of years (see Hebrews 7:3; John 1:1), and His works, words, thoughts and mind cannot be comprehended by the finite mind of man: For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts (KJV Isaiah 55:8-9). God’s infinity is evident even in something so seemingly simple as a circle or the true value of one measure.
Today’s science is both thrillingly mysterious, yet simultaneously practical in many ways. It’s good enough to dimly perceive a slice of space, sufficient for some theorists to surmise that the universe — as presently measured — is about 13.8 billion years old with a radius of about 45-47 billion light years (that’s not the end of the universe’s scope or story when the instruments are better of course). In addition, we’ve built rockets, space probes and satellites, designed a bunch of handy health and lifestyle innovations, while also creating some troublesome paradoxes, like the cost-efficient energy of nuclear power minus the ability to properly manage or eliminate its deadly waste or counter its death-dealing payload. We have compounded new pharmaceuticals and food substances that provide relief from one ailment or deliver some kind of short term comfort but introduce a raft of side effects and unintended consequences. Communications technologies have come to the fore which allow us to stay in touch easily but which also make meaningless distractions more rampant, personal interactions increasingly shallow, and provide means for powerful interests to destroy privacy and confidentiality.
Humanity can reproduce and reorganize some basic extant elements, but there is no form of science that has the ability to create life or even give definition to life, nature, space or human purpose. There is nothing that mankind will ever discover or utilize not already known by and created by God. While that might seem like a faith or religiously-oriented authors’ statement, it is actually undeniable on any rational basis. How so? The fact is, that we are here. No person created “here.” No person had any say in how or when they themselves got here, nor with the situation in which they were placed. Nor did any person, ever, create or add to the extant materials and conditions in which humanity is placed. Except by death, no one has ever left this planet (brief visits to earth orbit or the moon notwithstanding) and no mortal has ever had the wherewithal to explore the far reaches of the universe. Thus, anyone who imagines no Creator, no God, or at least no Intelligent Designer, is merely being intellectually and emotionally obstinate. Lacking any empirical evidence or the ability to gather such evidence, or any supportable rational basis, their reliance is on bent philosophy and hubris. Having failed to find their own place in creation, they are willing to impute their myopic view to all of humanity. There might be some bluster and defiance from such persons, arguing the contrary, but the fact is, they cannot refute the empirical evidences that surround us at every turn. Their herculean challenge, to ignore the plethora of brilliant and beautiful pointers to God’s creative works, is as irrational as denial of human intervention in the floor pattern illustrated in the first image above.
Here are two opposing views of how the patterns visible in all of creation may be discerned —
First, Galileo Galilei, Italian astronomer (1564-1642): “I give infinite thanks to God, who has been pleased to make me the first observer of marvelous things. Mathematics is the language in which God has written the universe. The laws of nature are written by the Hand of God in the language of mathematics. God is known by nature in His works, and by doctrine in His revealed Word.” And, Johannes Kepler (1571-1630): “Science is the process of thinking God’s thoughts after Him.”
Second, from BigThink,3 a collection of modern-day scientists/thinkers: “The Fibonacci sequence [and other patterns in nature are not] inherent to nature, but rather, to pure mathematics instead. It [the Fibonacci Sequence] appears in nature because the golden ratio has a biological utility, but wherever it appears in the physical sciences, including in some spiral galaxies, it’s only by pure coincidence!”
These are the two basic narratives for all of humanity: (a) either there is a Creator God — or Intelligent Designer, if you will — to whom we give reverence and thanks, or (b) we are surrounded by an overwhelming profundity of coincidences and accidents that have brought all matter, all life, and all rational beings into existence.
All people see what they want to see, and discount that which is inconvenient to their fundamental faith choice: God, or not God. Fundamental to the Veritas Chronicles ethos and story focus is the choice to open our eyes to wonder.
We see. We choose God.
As Jesus said to His disciples, Every plant, which my heavenly Father hath not planted, shall be rooted up. Let them alone: they be blind leaders of the blind. And if the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch (KJV Matthew 15:15-16).
With all the learning of the hundreds of years since the beginning of what is called the Renaissance, humanity has grown in knowledge, yet fallen into the ditch. Collectively, we act like the proverbial clever person, smart enough to get ourselves into trouble but not smart enough to get ourselves out.
So much of mankind’s creative and engineering effort is devoted to methods of violence and mass destruction, trivial lifestyle conveniences, and struggling with systemic health issues largely stemming from or enabling our self-defeating behaviours. Isn’t it cosmically ironic that a third of the world is malnourished by lack of food while another third with access to excess is becoming obese, malnourished, diabetic or suffering a host of other health consequences directly related to over-consumption of unhealthy foods and beverages, and dependency on pharmaceuticals of one kind or another? Pervasive self-defeating behaviours are evident not just in health, science and engineering. We live in a global financial system that is constructed on a fabric of illusion, a deck of cards without a foundation that will eventually collapse; meaning, the entire system is built on unfunded debt, deferred indefinitely; there must eventually be a reckoning. The world and worldliness are working hard to eliminate God and Godliness resulting in a downward spiral from which there is no recovery without Godly intervention. Each attempted solution creates a set of unintended consequences (or in some cases consequences as intended by evil and conspiring persons), that leave the planet and its inhabitants in damage control.
As Paul declared, we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places (Ephesians 6:12). Yet, the purposes and the grace of God are constant despite the best of humanity and the worst of devilish influences.
Now, humanity is wrestling with the accelerating advent of artificial intelligence (AI), which simply compounds the complexity. On the subject of AI, and technology in general, a comment by comedian, Jerry Seinfeld, sums up the situation perfectly —
“We’re smart enough to invent AI, dumb enough to need it, and still so stupid we can’t figure out if we did the right thing.” 4
Despite humanity’s thoroughly constrained limitations, there is so much to appreciate and even celebrate, as long as we recognize the Source of all good. From here onwards, this pictorial essay will focus only on the celebratory rather than the desultory. The beauty and brilliant inventiveness of people is often very impressive, very compelling, very engaging. While acknowledging and celebrating human inventiveness, beyond that, far beyond that, in the cosmos, and in every nook and cranny of life and nature, we find the awe-inspiring order and handiwork of our Creator God. There are too many thousands, millions, billions of examples of that handiwork to include in any essay, or any volume, or any library anywhere on earth, so we will focus on a few representative examples that fill us with grateful wonder.
The Divine Proportion

The Divine Proportion, also known as the Golden Ratio (approximately 1.618 — used to equal effect both vertically and horizontally), is a mathematical proportion generally considered (also by these authors) to be the most aesthetically pleasing to the human eye. It is widely used in art, architecture, and engineering. Its presence in natural forms, such as seashells and flowers, has inspired its integration into human creations.
The Vitruvian Man and the Golden Ratio: Leonardo da Vinci's Vitruvian Man (c. 1490) illustrates the concept of ideal human proportions as described by the ancient Roman architect Vitruvius Pollio. While not explicitly using the Golden Ratio, DaVinci’s drawing emphasizes harmonious proportions, aligning the human body with geometric principles (circle and square) that echo the balance and symmetry inherent in the Divine Proportion.
Application in Art, Architecture and Engineering: The Parthenon: The façade of the Parthenon in Athens, Greece, reflects the Golden Ratio in its design, creating a sense of balance and harmony. The Mona Lisa: Leonardo da Vinci’s painting incorporates the Golden Ratio in the composition of the subject's face and body, contributing to its renowned aesthetic appeal.

The Golden Ratio is used in bridge design and architecture to enhance both visual appeal and structural efficiency. Modern engineers often use the ratio in creating ergonomic and visually attractive products, such as smartphones and automobiles. The Fibonacci Sequence is closely linked to the Golden Ratio, and appears in famous Gothic cathedrals like Chartres and Notre Dame. Works by Michelangelo and Raphael often reflect the use of proportional systems tied to the Divine Proportion. The Golden Ratio continues to inspire creativity and precision, serving as a bridge between mathematical order and artistic beauty. Its use, ancient and modern, underscores its timeless relevance in uniting form and function.

The Fibonacci Sequence and the Golden Spiral
As compelling as the above landmark architectural and art works may be, nature tends to outdo everything else, while also providing inspiration for manmade creativity. The Fibonacci sequence (in non-scientific terms) is a series of numbers where each number is the sum of the two before it. It starts with 0 and 1, and continues like this: 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377, 610, 987, 1,597, etc, to infinity. This sequence appears in nature, like in the arrangement of seeds in a sunflower, or the pattern of pine cones, because it often represents the most efficient way to grow or pack things. The Golden Spiral is a special type of spiral that gets wider by a consistent amount as it spins outwards. It's created by connecting arcs between the corners of squares whose sizes follow the Fibonacci sequence. This spiral can be seen in nature, like in seashells, galaxies, and even the way some plants grow, making it both functional and beautiful.

There are so many varieties of majesty and beauty in creation. Here are just a few —
The Various States — and Compelling Naturescapes — of Water
Ripples / Capillary Waves5

The Earth's Water Reticulation System
Also known as the "hydrological cycle" or "water cycle," is a continuous process where water moves through the earth's atmosphere, surface, and underground, constantly changing states between liquid, solid, and gas, driven by solar energy, and redistributing water across the planet through evaporation, condensation, and precipitation. Evaporation: Water from oceans, lakes, rivers, and soil evaporates into water vapor, rising into the atmosphere. Condensation: As the water vapor cools in the atmosphere, it condenses to form clouds. Precipitation: When the clouds become saturated, water falls back to the earth's surface as rain, snow, sleet, or hail. Runoff: Precipitation that falls on land may flow over the surface as runoff, eventually reaching rivers and oceans. Infiltration: Some precipitation seeps into the ground, becoming groundwater. Transpiration: Plants also release water vapor into the atmosphere through their leaves, contributing to the water cycle.
Above: three spectacular examples of the constant elements and pattern of earth’s water reticulation system. Top: Yosemite Falls, Yosemite National Park. Middle: Niagara Falls, from the New York side. Bottom: A Pacific Ocean wave prepares to break on Australia’s east coast, near Sydney.
Codex Universalis | Divine Patterns Are All Around Us, Encrypted For Us to Find
A speech by Robert Edward Grant at the Vatican (in the same room that Galileo Galilei presented to the Pontifical Academy of Science), delivered May 29, 2024.
“I am going to prove, mathematically, the existence of God. And I immediately turn to this notion of zero to the power of zero. Nothing to the power of nothing, equals everything. It implied immediately, a Divine Creator. It implies immediately, an intelligence behind all that is. We all think that prime numbers are random. Well, in 2018, I discovered that prime numbers were not random at all, that they are subject to a pattern, and that pattern is tied to the number, 24. Because every prime number above 5, to infinity, when you square it, becomes a multiple of 24+1, without exception. We know the prime number 5, and when you square 5, that’s 25, which is 24+1. When you square 7, that’s the next prime, that is 49, which 2x24+1. Then, 11x11=121, and that is 5x24+1. Then, 13x13=169, and that’s 7x24+1. Are you seeing the pattern? Why don’t we learn this in school? Because our educational system is designed not to look or seek for patterns, because that implies a creator. Once we believe that there must be a creator, then everything starts to get a little bit strange in the world. As we look at the world, all the things that we think are entropy [chaos, 2nd Law of Thermodynamics], which is supposed to mean randomness, is not really randomness at all. Maybe entropy is just the word we use to describe our ignorance when our knowledge ends and our ignorance begins. We think that it’s not patterned, but we don’t know enough, and actually mankind has had a progressive stage of constantly pushing the boundary further and further away from itself. Originally, we didn’t know that diameter had a relationship to circumference. And finally we came up with the notion that 22/7 might actually be the value that shows that relationship between diameter and circumference of a circle. But then as time went by we got more sophisticated. We realized 22/7 wasn’t quite accurate enough, and maybe it should be 355/113. That gives us 3.145926. So now we have six decimal digits of accuracy. Each time we learn more, we push the boundary out of what we thought was unpatterned, and realize that there was an inherent pattern. In fact. I spend my time looking for patterns, because this language of mathematics is the language of the universe. It is the Codex Universalis. As we look at the world around us we often see comments from people, like Louis Pasteur, who said, “If you study a little science, you go farther from God, but if you study a lot of science, you come nearer to Him.” Even Carl Jung said, “Behind everything we perceive as disorder and chaos, is actually a hidden order.” That hidden order is ours to find. The glory of God is to hide things, and the glory of mankind is to find those things; we are merely just finding the notion of ourselves; of why we’re here on this life journey — to realize that we are not alone; and to realize that there is no true separation between science and spirituality. In fact, if we go back and look throughout history, every major advance in science has been brought to us by people who were very spiritually minded. We don’t have to go far to look for people like Kepler, or Galileo — who presented in this very room — and we also don’t have to go far to see that these polymaths were not bound by any one discipline, because they were simply looking for this language, or this codex universalis. It’s such a beautiful thing, when you start to realize the divinity we have within ourselves. [We have learned] the notion also, that geometry is so perfectly orderly. There is nothing about geometry that is not perfection, literal perfection.
“We live in an age right now where everyone is looking for meaning. And yet, meaning is hidden all around us. We have only to look for it. The glory of God is to hide things so that they can be found. Mathematics can be broken down into arithmetic and geometry, but beyond that, we even have music. Music is also mathematics. The left temporal lobe is where we process mathematics. The right temporal lobe, in the exact opposite position, like a mirror of our brain, is where we process music. It could be said that mathematics is simply the music that we experience in the abstract form. It could also be said that geometry sits right in the center of our brains. It’s simply the music that we experience with our eyes. Now, we can take this analogy and expand it to include cosmology. Now we’ve included the entire quadrivium: arithmetic, number in itself, number in abstract; geometry, number and space; number and time is music; and number and space time is cosmology. Look around you. The world is telling us, everywhere, the universe is telling us, everywhere, the signature of the Divine. The sun, if I was going to make a perfect time system, wouldn’t you probably think about doing it in a way that is going to match, somehow, the diameter, or maybe the circumference of the sun, as we go around it? We have 84,600 seconds in one day. The diameter of the sun is 864,000 miles. Now, you could say, is this all coincidence? I don’t believe in coincidences anymore. Coincidence is the thing that we call things when we are not yet understanding and comprehending the Divine patterns that are all around us, that are encrypted for us to find, when we find love in our hearts, rather than judgment.”

The Second Law of Thermodynamics — Integral to Every Scientist’s Doctrinal Framework — Primary Evidence of God at Work, Antithesis of Godless Evolution
Exhibit A: Every teenager’s bedroom is proof positive that unguided evolution is impossible.
The authors each have six children and understand perfectly, by experience, the entropic principle evident in teenage bedrooms. Parents are the wannabe antidote to bedroom entropy. Our intentional God is the answer to everything else that defies entropy and chaos.

Now, to give this entropy discussion a more science-based footing, let’s take a peek at a circa 2017 debate between Richard Dawkins (RD), Evolutionary Biologist and Militant Atheist, with John Lennox (JL), Christian Mathematician at the Oxford Museum of Natural History. The debate is titled, “Has Science Buried God?” We pick up the discussion for a few minutes in the middle of a ninety minute debate. Dawkins, who is one of the world’s foremost voices for avid atheism, infamously known as one of the “Four Horsemen,” will opine that God can’t be believed in because He is too complex as an explanation for the universe. His general position is that science, or scientism (just another religion in reality), offers the only explanation for origin and development of the universe and all that it contains, including mankind. Dawkins totally contradicts the Second Law of Thermodynamics (and all other forms of reason), by asserting that the origins of the universe must be simple and therefore all creation, after the Big Bang, has progressed from simple to complex by evolutionary processes. Whereas, the supposedly inviolable Second Law asserts that things left to themselves become simpler, more chaotic, less complex. Does he believe in science, or not? What he actually believes in, is his own mind, but his simplistic answer is, “that science can’t answer that question yet.” Let’s follow the discussion, then consider a little more about science’s universally agreed Laws of Thermodynamics.
RD: The universe is an easier “brute force [concept]” to accept than a conscious creator.
JL: Well who made it, the universe?
RD: It’s you who insists on asking that question.
JL: No, no, you asked me who made the creator. The universe created you, Richard, who made you then?
RD: A God is a complicated entity which requires a much more sophisticated and difficult explanation than a universe which according to modern physics is a very simple entity. It’s a very simple beginning. It’s not a negligible beginning, but it’s a very simple beginning that has got to be easier to explain than something as complicated as a God.
JL: You can’t explain the existence of God, but you may have missed my question. I’m drawing a parallel. You see … I’m getting the message that you believe it’s ridiculous for me to believe in a God who created the universe because I have to ask, who created God? All I’m doing is turning that question round and saying, the universe you admit created you because there’s nothing else, well then who created it?
RD: I understand you perfectly, I’m making (the point) that we both of us are faced with the problem of how did things start? I’m saying, it’s a hell of a lot easier to start with something simple, than to start with something complex. That’s what complex means. (Note RD’s argument here, for later discussion.)
JL: But I don’t think so. If I pick up a book called, “The God Delusion,” it’s a pretty sophisticated book, it’s got a lot of words in it, but actually as I go to page one, I don’t even need to go beyond page one, I conclude that it comes from something more complex than that book itself, namely, it comes from you.
RD: Yes, obviously complex things exist, brains exist.
JL: Why can I not look at the universe, the whole show, which includes Dawkins and Lennox?
RD: I’ll you why, because my brain that produced a book, has an explanation in its own right. That explanation is evolution, we go back and back and back to the origin of the universe. That provides an explanation for complex brains, and complex brains produce books, and museums, and cars, and computers. Of course we have complex things that produce other complex things, but science has an explanation for where complex brains come from in terms of simple beginnings.
JL: I don’t think it has, at all. At the level of the origin of life, reading the literature, even the recent literature, the word “miracle” comes up far too often, for your liking anyway. That you’re just going from the low-level self organizing molecules that you got in some kind of primeval situation to the phenomenal self organizational potentialities of macromolecules — there’s just no way you can get there.
RD: Well, you’re asserting that there’s no way we can get there, we just don’t yet know what it is, because there’s a lot of work yet to be done. Science doesn’t yet know everything. There are still gaps.
JL: Yes, but I’m not ruling out that there’s a physical side to it, and so on, but it seems to me that the basic description of the ancient language, DNA, and it’s a very ancient language, points much more arguably to the existence of a Logos, a Divine Logos who started it, than the notion that it’s going to be exhaustively explained in purely naturalistic terms. Because, I would still go back to the point I made earlier, though I don’t want to harp on it, this extreme reductionism removes from me the very rationality we use to have the discussion. I’m not simply terribly tempted to believe it’s all been designed. I believe it’s all been designed … but that doesn’t stop science. I fear sometimes that your dichotomy, either God or science, might put some people off science, because they’d prefer God. And that would be a pity.
The Laws of Thermodynamics
The laws are described fully, in layman’s terms, in the footnotes.6
Atheists and evolutionists believe in a form of science, which is not really science. It is the faith of “scientism,” in which God is ejected from the universe. Their actual science says that matter can neither be created nor destroyed, only transformed from one state to another, but their scientism would have all people believe that there was once upon a time a singularity, an infinitely tiny point, too small to contain any matter, which suddenly exploded (without any prior cause, causer, or reason for why) into all the matter that constitutes the universe, hence, defying the First Law of Thermodynamics. The believers in scientism claim that in the Big Bang scenario, all matter was created from nothing, in an instant. If such a thing did happen, there must have been a trigger, a cause, but in this fairytale there is no God to act as the cause, no precedent conditions, no explanation of why. So it simply a matter of their particular kind of faith.
Next, all the matter created from the Big Bang gradually coalesced into systems, nebulae, galaxies, solar systems, planets and their satellites, etc. And here on earth, more so than anywhere else in the visible universe, the entire earth-bound system inexplicably defied the entropic principle. By sheer coincidence, molecules and cells formed, followed by multitudinous complex systems, the pinnacle of which are the animal kingdom and mankind, all by “accident,” without any kind of mind or organizing force. Thus, defying the Second Law of Thermodynamics, which states that without an organizing force at work, all things descend to chaos.
Please note how Richard Dawkins argues above —
That science can explain everything, it just can’t do it yet, but never you mind folks, science will find a way;
That evolution is the ultimate answer to everything although evolution had to be preceded by an act of creation, where the theology of scientism prefers the Big Bang rather than God; and,
He asks you to please suspend your incredulity so you can ignore the fact that his proposition of “simple to complex” is impossible and contradictory in a universe whose physical systems are governed by the constraints of the Laws of Thermodynamics.
What pattern becomes evident here, based on the galactic gaps in the atheistic evolutionist’s arguments? Scientism is simply a philosophic ruse, an alternative religion.
Patterns Written in the Sky
Above, a time lapse image of a southern hemisphere constellation known as the Southern Cross. Below, a spectacular nightscape of that constellation. The Southern Cross consists of four main stars which form the cross — Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta, and a fifth, called Epsilon. For those who live below the equator, the Southern Cross is an immutably reliable navigation tool. By a simple “rule of thumb,” the calculation of true south — and therefore all the points of the compass — can always be accurately found once the constellation appears above the night horizon. This is a pattern written in the sky. To those of us who see His hand in everything, it is just one more, one of an infinite number, of testimonies of the handiwork of the amazing, awesome Creator, God.
To be continued … given that this article is already so lengthy, Veritas Chronicles will continue the “Patterns | Whose Handiwork?” theme in several other companion stories, some of which are listed below —
The Body
Migration Patterns
Water and Waves
Sound Waves, Mathematics, and Music
Radio Waves
The Mandelbrot Set
More Number Patterns
The Problem of Dark Matter
The pattern of Christ in our lives. “If we hang out with Christ we will naturally pattern our lives after His.”
And More!
One final note as we close this article. The images exhibited immediately above and below, manifest human and Godly creativity. The human part, the photography, the camerawork to catch just the right light, emphasizing color, form, and beauty, the application of computers and software to make them shareable with others, perhaps we could even include human gardeners, maybe even some genetic breeding, certainly watering and garden space. But the subjects themselves exhibit the patterns (including the Fibonacci Sequence in these instances), that are exclusively products of their Divine Creator. People can do wonders with the available materials and circumstances they are given or choose. However, no human has ever created anything out of nothing. We simply reveal or uncover, adorn, add to, work with, multiply and replenish, polish, repair, garnish, and admire that which already exists in one shape or another. Human creativity can be quite inspiring. It is always just a little brighter and more refined when the Source of all gifts, the handiwork of God, is recognized by both the artisan and the admirer. §
See Hebrews 8:5
Wikipedia has a most helpful and lengthy dissertation on the history, applications, and calculation of pi:
First Law of Thermodynamics (Law of Energy Conservation): Energy cannot be created or destroyed, only transformed from one form to another or transferred between systems. The total energy of an isolated system remains constant. Implication: This law ensures energy accounting in all physical and chemical processes. It is the foundation of energy conservation principles.
Second Law of Thermodynamics (Law of Increasing Entropy): In any spontaneous process, the total entropy (disorder) of a closed system always increases. Energy spontaneously spreads out if not hindered. Implications: Heat flows naturally from hot to cold objects, not the reverse. No energy conversion process is 100% efficient — some energy is always lost as waste heat. The "arrow of time" is defined by the increase in entropy, explaining why time moves forward.
Third Law of Thermodynamics (Entropy at Absolute Zero): As a system approaches absolute zero (0 Kelvin), the entropy of a perfect crystal approaches a minimum, constant value (often taken as zero). Implication: It is impossible to reach absolute zero in a finite number of steps. This law explains the behavior of materials at very low temperatures and the unattainability of absolute zero.
Unified Perspective: Zeroth: Defines temperature and equilibrium. First: Conserves energy and governs transformations. Second: Dictates the direction of processes and efficiency. Third: Sets limits at extreme low temperatures. These laws collectively provide the framework for understanding and analyzing energy, heat, and work in all physical systems.